LAGERBOX is Best Price Champion

LAGERBOX was named 2022 Best Price Champion by ServiceValue GmbH and DIE WELT, a national newspaper.
The study leading to the Best Price Champion has been conducted for the sixth time. LAGERBOX made first place in the “Self-storage provider” category. In the total ranking, we got silver at 57.2 percent, but were only 0.6 percent behind the first gold rank. According to this study, LAGERBOX is Germany’s leading company in the self-storage sector in terms of price satisfaction of the customers. We want to give a big thank you to our customers. In addition to our amazing rates, it is thanks to you that we got this award.
This is how the study works
Run by ServiceValue, an analysis institute, in cooperation with the well-known national newspaper DIE WELT, this broad study investigated how customers view the pricing of various companies. This year, a total of 3,309 companies were surveyed from 270 industries. The results were published in the print issue of DIE WELT as well as on the ServiceValue website on 22 April 2022. The award comes with a certified seal: The DIE WELT seal of quality can be used online and offline and all media channels for one year.
Tricky pricing
Seeing as prices are going up worldwide due to the ongoing crisis, one could assume that it is currently hard finding any positive opinions on pricing for any study. The companies have to make up for this financially, which naturally leads to more resentment and dissatisfaction among consumers about pricing. They were nonetheless successful in finding companies offering great prices to give the award to. Here at LAGERBOX, we are proud of being able to keep our prices affordable and the satisfaction of our customers high.
The rating
The evidence-based “Price Structuring Score”, or PSS, is what the study is based on. This clear, efficient, and verifiable measurement instrument uses customer surveys. Respondents were asked the following question: "Please indicate whether you are personally excited about Company XY (in this case, LAGERBOX) pricing." The surveyed customers then have three ways of answering: Yes or no, of course, and no response if people are not aware of the pricing or in other ways not able to judge them. The share of people excited by pricing is then reflected by the PSS. Compared to a satisfaction scale, the direct yes-or-no survey has the advantage that the customers does not have to weigh different topics, which can create deviations from the total satisfaction. This simple response system facilitates clear comparability and makes the score independent of industries and business models.
In addition to industry winners, it also gives a cross-industry overview of price satisfaction. Winners are divided into gold, silver, and bronze. The survey is done through an online panel with about 1 million citizens. Per company, it collects a minimum of 300 and a maximum of 1,000 responses.
The service provider
ServiceValue is a Cologne-based analysis and consulting company specialising in relationship management between companies and stakeholders, founded in 2009.
It uses scientific evidence-based methods to measure and explain the relationship between customers, staff, partners, and companies and highlights economic effects. This study, for example, measured the relationship between LAGERBOX and its customers.
The affiliated ServiceAkademie company pools all core services of ServiceValue. ServiceValue also puts out the ServiceAtlas Germany every year, which is based on an increasing number of industry-specific studies. They also host competitions now and again.
LAGERBOX says thank you
Finally, we would like to thank you all for your vote and hope that you will continue to support us in the future. Are you not a LAGERBOX customer yet? Feel free to visit us at one of our many locations and have one of our friendly employees support you. Soon we will have you swooning over our prices, too!