LAGERBOX is the customer satisfaction champion of 2024

Customer Champion

LAGERBOX has once again been named the customer satisfaction champion. Like the previous year, the title was brought home from Deutschland Test, a testing agency. This year, too, we reached first place – a result that was only possible thanks to our LAGERBOX customers. They were the ones who took part in the study and voted LAGERBOX number one. Awards that are given out based on the customers themselves and on their satisfaction are something very special for LAGERBOX. And so, the company wants to thank all customers who participated in the study this year. Your excellent rating made our high ranking possible.

This is how the study went

The study by Deutschland Test ( looked at a total of 1,751 companies from 111 sectors. LAGERBOX took part in the self-storage category. Over the course of the entire study, 335,000 ratings were given by the participants of the panel. As always, the study was conducted by ServiceValue.

By reaching first place, LAGERBOX got the award for the highest customer confidence. The customer satisfaction index, or CSI, yielded a value of 2.52. The index is used for measuring experience-based ratings.

Explaining the customer satisfaction index (CSI)

What does that mean exactly? On the one hand, the index reflects the experiences of the respondents, for example, how LAGERBOX customers feel and how satisfied they are. On the other hand, it can be applied across divisions and business models. Viewed in more detail, however, satisfaction varies strongly. To ensure comparability, the questions were reduced to the greatest common denominator. With this objective in mind, consumers were asked to answer the central question: “How do you rate the following service providers overall? Please provide your satisfaction rating for the providers with respect to the industry indicated in parentheses.” This way, participants knew exactly what to expect from the survey and which industry they were evaluating.

They could choose between the ratings “excellent”, “very good”, “good”, “average”, or “poor”. Only those that were real customers of the company in the previous twelve months were eligible for a rating. The survey took place in July 2024. The responses for every provider were indexed with a number between one and five. The mean value results in the CSI, which forms the basis for the rankings. A CSI of one indicates that customers were thrilled with their experience, while a CSI of five shows strong dissatisfaction. With a CSI of 2.52, LAGERBOX hit a pretty good rating. In fact, the best rating in the entire self-storage sector.

Ranking and significance for the industry

The industry index is determined by averaging the values of the companies in that industry. Providers above the industry average enjoy high customer satisfaction. All those that achieved above-average results were in the top group and received an award for highest customer satisfaction. LAGERBOX is also represented there, having received an award for highest customer satisfaction and thus performing above average even among the best in the group. An achievement that should not be underestimated.

Why? The ranking in the industry comparison gives a provider important clues about whether their quality management and customer loyalty measures are effective. For both existing and potential customers, the ratings of other consumers are relevant, too. Providers that do well in such a broad-based study are obviously doing a good job. This applies to the good 900 companies that were included in the ranking of the very best. These statements come directly from Deutschland Test and are of exceptional relevance for LAGERBOX. Competing with others is a part of human nature. If the results reflect such enthusiastic ratings, we at LAGERBOX are particularly pleased with it. When it comes to renting a storage unit in Germany, LAGERBOX is number one.

Customer satisfaction as the key to business success

However, the ranking does more than feed the ego of our business. It also shows how satisfied our customers are with the work we do at LAGERBOX. Claus Dethloff, who is managing director at ServiceValue, the consulting and analysis institute that conducted the survey, summarised this fact succinctly and aptly when he said: “Satisfied customers are the best brand ambassadors and multipliers one can have and essential for a company’s success.”

LAGERBOX stays top performer in self-storage

Like in the past, we at LAGERBOX put the highest priority on satisfied customers and will continue to do so in the future. LAGERBOX will continue to offer the best-possible self-storage services. Our friendly staff will continue to make sure our customers are happy. Everybody is welcome at LAGERBOX.

Our core values flexibility, convenience and sustainability are the foundation of our work.

Experience our award-winning customer satisfaction for yourself! Rent a self-storage unit at LAGERBOX today and experience out first-class services: Book now!


Source/picture: Study ServiceValue




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