
Our partner - Kautionsfuchs


True foxes recognize the connection with our partner Kautionsfuchs immediately: When moving a lot of costs come to you. Transporters, moving helpers or even moving companies can easily cause costs in the four-digit range. In addition to this comes the rental deposit for the new accommodation.
Not if you are a customer of Kautionsfuchs. Our partner takes over the payment of your deposit on a successful credit check. The landlord receives security through a security deposit from Kautionsfuchs and saves any administrative work. Instead of the expensive cash deposit, the renter pays 4.5% of the deposit per month and can use the original deposit for more important things.


Our service:
Ready for you Give us a call: 0800 222 666 999*
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Secure your moving set (1 moving box Basic & 1 archive box with lid, 1 roll of adhesive tape) for FREE! Just fill in and come by.