German Service-price 2019 goes to LAGERBOX

LAGERBOX receives German Service Award 2019
Berlin, 21 February 2019
Every year, the Deutsches Institut für Service-Qualität, a German market research institute, gives out awards for companies providing outstanding services. Under the headline ‘Customer is king,’ a total of 39 companies received the prestigious awards during this year’s round.
The German Service Award (‘Deutscher Servicepreis’) aims to help consumers identify companies that value great service. It is based on 48 studies that are conducted based on 21,000 testers and customer surveys across 501 companies. Recent years have shown a clear upward trajectory demonstrating that service in Germany is better than its reputation.
LAGERBOX won 1st place in the category ‘Living – Service’ and edged out 22 other companies. Service quality was tested by enquiries via phone or e-mail by 623 tester users. Important criteria included waiting periods as well as the staff’s friendliness and expertise. Trained test users also took a close look at the companies’ websites to evaluate their user-friendliness and their informative value.
The survey results showed that LAGERBOX deals with written enquiries swiftly and professionally. The staff at LAGERBOX is friendly and focuses on the customer’s needs. Overall, the test users were satisfied with the pleasant atmosphere when contacting the company by phone.
‘We are happy that were able to take home another award after a year of absence,’ says Volker Borner, director of operations at LAGERBOX. ‘We are always working on improving and it makes us all the happier that our ongoing training efforts and our passionate and professional working environment are bearing fruit. Of course, we will continue to pursue continuous optimisation, not only regarding our trained staff, but also our online services, which we will continue to upgrade with regard to user experience and user friendliness.’